The text installation in the room on the wall is the physical manifestation of the ephemeral and immaterial work TRIBUTE TO GUY in the so-called IRL. The work itself consists of the sentence A PICTURE OF A DOLLAR SAVED AS JPG ON THE BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN, written in Arial Bold font. It is immortalized ON-CHAIN on the Ethereum Blockchain and can be traded as an [1-of-1 NFT](https://etherscan.io/nft/0xd25ea44f5fe01a1a2a96b38b6c5fdc6231134d11/2).
A PICTURE OF TRIBUTE TO GUY IRL is, as the name already suggests, an image of the manifestation of the digital original. The definition may seem academic and subtle, but it is of great importance in understanding the essence of the logic of the blockchain and its role in the world, because through this logic THAT WHAT IS is codified as an immutable state in cyberspace, out of this immutably defined states there then reality is derived.
The [1-of-1 NFT (TRIBUTE TO GUY)](https://opensea.io/de-DE/assets/ethereum/0xd25ea44f5fe01a1a2a96b38b6c5fdc6231134d11/2) will soon be available for sale in connection with a [limited edition titled "A TRIBUTE TO GUY WTF?!"](https://app.manifold.xyz/c/A-TRIBUTE-TO-GUY-WTF) The price of the 1-of-1 as well as the edition are linked and dependent on each other. This revolves around the game-theoretical exploration of the value of art on the blockchain.
Stay tuned and be part of the new art project by the exceptional conceptual artist FLORIAN KUHLMANN.
Created by:
[Florian Kuhlmann](https://floriankuhlmann.com)
Powered by:
[Flux Collective](https://fluxcollective.io)
Installed at:
[NEONREAL Gallery](https://neonreal-gallery.com/)