Phone Sext Remix continues to draw inspiration from UN SDG #3, promoting healthy lives and well-being for all, including positive sexual health, specifically those challenged by geographical distance and use technology to close the gap.
This pair of SNKEZ is inspired by the,“tension that we all feel between in our progressive digital world, that stretches between fantasy and ideal, and bridges into our reality. In the end, nothing beats the real thing. And this is a truth that stretches deep into the groove and vibe of the whole record.”
The original song, answered the question, “What am I supposed to do when I can't go downtown?" By featuring Sweet Chuck and Jason Anthoney Wright on vocals, James Genus on bass, Marissa Licata on violin and Benny Harrison on piano, Sweet Chuck and Ravin Dave co-wrote and produced an amazing all-star cast of musicians in order to provide the full instructional for just how to Phone Sext.
“In the course of writing a song, there are many pieces, most of which sit on a hard drive after its release and are forgotten. As an artist and producer, I believe that once written and recorded both used and unused pieces of creativity can be re-mined and released with new meaning and perspective built from the core DNA that was recorded in the past. The creative journey has just begun for the elements used in this remix. We look forward to unlocking stems, sounds and previous productions for collaborative use by the community,” explains Ravin.