文件 1 的 1:CurveRouterSidechainv1.1.vy
# @version 0.3.10
@title CurveRouterSidechain v1.1
@author Curve.Fi
@license Copyright (c) Curve.Fi, 2020-2024 - all rights reserved
@notice Performs up to 5 swaps in a single transaction, can do estimations with get_dy and get_dx
version: public(constant(String[8])) = "1.1.0" # ng pools
from vyper.interfaces import ERC20
interface StablePool:
def get_dy(i: int128, j: int128, amount: uint256) -> uint256: view
def exchange(i: int128, j: int128, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256): payable
def get_dy_underlying(i: int128, j: int128, amount: uint256) -> uint256: view
def exchange_underlying(i: int128, j: int128, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256): payable
def calc_withdraw_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: int128) -> uint256: view
def remove_liquidity_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: int128, min_amount: uint256): nonpayable
interface CryptoPool:
def get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, amount: uint256) -> uint256: view
def exchange(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256): payable
def get_dy_underlying(i: uint256, j: uint256, amount: uint256) -> uint256: view
def exchange_underlying(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256): payable
def calc_withdraw_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: uint256) -> uint256: view
def remove_liquidity_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, min_amount: uint256): nonpayable
interface StableNgPool:
def get_dx(i: int128, j: int128, amount: uint256) -> uint256: view
def get_dx_underlying(i: int128, j: int128, amount: uint256) -> uint256: view
def calc_token_amount(_amounts: DynArray[uint256, 8], _is_deposit: bool) -> uint256: view
def add_liquidity(_amounts: DynArray[uint256, 8], _min_mint_amount: uint256) -> uint256: nonpayable
interface CryptoNgPool:
def get_dx(i: uint256, j: uint256, out_amount: uint256) -> uint256: view
interface TriCryptoNgETH:
def add_liquidity(amounts: uint256[3], min_mint_amount: uint256, use_eth: bool) -> uint256: payable
def remove_liquidity_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, min_amount: uint256, use_eth: bool) -> uint256: nonpayable
interface CryptoPoolETH:
def exchange(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256, use_eth: bool): payable
interface LendingBasePoolMetaZap:
def exchange_underlying(pool: address, i: int128, j: int128, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256): nonpayable
interface CryptoMetaZap:
def get_dy(pool: address, i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256) -> uint256: view
def exchange(pool: address, i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256, use_eth: bool): payable
interface StablePool2Coins:
def add_liquidity(amounts: uint256[2], min_mint_amount: uint256): payable
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[2], is_deposit: bool) -> uint256: view
interface CryptoPool2Coins:
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[2]) -> uint256: view
interface StablePool3Coins:
def add_liquidity(amounts: uint256[3], min_mint_amount: uint256): payable
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[3], is_deposit: bool) -> uint256: view
interface CryptoPool3Coins:
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[3]) -> uint256: view
interface StablePool4Coins:
def add_liquidity(amounts: uint256[4], min_mint_amount: uint256): payable
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[4], is_deposit: bool) -> uint256: view
interface CryptoPool4Coins:
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[4]) -> uint256: view
interface StablePool5Coins:
def add_liquidity(amounts: uint256[5], min_mint_amount: uint256): payable
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[5], is_deposit: bool) -> uint256: view
interface CryptoPool5Coins:
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[5]) -> uint256: view
interface LendingStablePool3Coins:
def add_liquidity(amounts: uint256[3], min_mint_amount: uint256, use_underlying: bool): payable
def remove_liquidity_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: int128, min_amount: uint256, use_underlying: bool) -> uint256: nonpayable
interface WETH:
def deposit(): payable
def withdraw(_amount: uint256): nonpayable
# Calc zaps
interface StableCalc:
def calc_token_amount(pool: address, token: address, amounts: uint256[10], n_coins: uint256, deposit: bool, use_underlying: bool) -> uint256: view
def get_dx(pool: address, i: int128, j: int128, dy: uint256, n_coins: uint256) -> uint256: view
def get_dx_underlying(pool: address, i: int128, j: int128, dy: uint256, n_coins: uint256) -> uint256: view
def get_dx_meta(pool: address, i: int128, j: int128, dy: uint256, n_coins: uint256, base_pool: address) -> uint256: view
def get_dx_meta_underlying(pool: address, i: int128, j: int128, dy: uint256, n_coins: uint256, base_pool: address, base_token: address) -> uint256: view
interface CryptoCalc:
def get_dx(pool: address, i: uint256, j: uint256, dy: uint256, n_coins: uint256) -> uint256: view
def get_dx_meta_underlying(pool: address, i: uint256, j: uint256, dy: uint256, n_coins: uint256, base_pool: address, base_token: address) -> uint256: view
struct AmountAndFee:
amountReceived: uint256
fee: uint256
exchangeFeeRate: uint256
event Exchange:
sender: indexed(address)
receiver: indexed(address)
route: address[11]
swap_params: uint256[5][5]
pools: address[5]
in_amount: uint256
out_amount: uint256
ETH_ADDRESS: constant(address) = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE
WETH_ADDRESS: immutable(address)
# Calc zaps
STABLE_CALC: immutable(StableCalc)
CRYPTO_CALC: immutable(CryptoCalc)
is_approved: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]]
def __default__():
def __init__( _weth: address, _stable_calc: address, _crypto_calc: address):
STABLE_CALC = StableCalc(_stable_calc)
CRYPTO_CALC = CryptoCalc(_crypto_calc)
def exchange(
_route: address[11],
_swap_params: uint256[5][5],
_amount: uint256,
_min_dy: uint256,
_pools: address[5]=empty(address[5]),
_receiver: address=msg.sender
) -> uint256:
@notice Performs up to 5 swaps in a single transaction.
@dev Routing and swap params must be determined off-chain. This
functionality is designed for gas efficiency over ease-of-use.
@param _route Array of [initial token, pool or zap, token, pool or zap, token, ...]
The array is iterated until a pool address of 0x00, then the last
given token is transferred to `_receiver`
@param _swap_params Multidimensional array of [i, j, swap_type, pool_type, n_coins] where
i is the index of input token
j is the index of output token
The swap_type should be:
1. for `exchange`,
2. for `exchange_underlying`,
3. for underlying exchange via zap: factory stable metapools with lending base pool `exchange_underlying`
and factory crypto-meta pools underlying exchange (`exchange` method in zap)
4. for coin -> LP token "exchange" (actually `add_liquidity`),
5. for lending pool underlying coin -> LP token "exchange" (actually `add_liquidity`),
6. for LP token -> coin "exchange" (actually `remove_liquidity_one_coin`)
7. for LP token -> lending or fake pool underlying coin "exchange" (actually `remove_liquidity_one_coin`)
8. for ETH <-> WETH
pool_type: 1 - stable, 2 - twocrypto, 3 - tricrypto, 4 - llamma
10 - stable-ng, 20 - twocrypto-ng, 30 - tricrypto-ng
n_coins is the number of coins in pool
@param _amount The amount of input token (`_route[0]`) to be sent.
@param _min_dy The minimum amount received after the final swap.
@param _pools Array of pools for swaps via zap contracts. This parameter is needed only for swap_type = 3.
@param _receiver Address to transfer the final output token to.
@return Received amount of the final output token.
input_token: address = _route[0]
output_token: address = empty(address)
amount: uint256 = _amount
# validate / transfer initial token
if input_token == ETH_ADDRESS:
assert msg.value == amount
assert msg.value == 0
assert ERC20(input_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, amount, default_return_value=True)
for i in range(5):
# 5 rounds of iteration to perform up to 5 swaps
swap: address = _route[i * 2 + 1]
pool: address = _pools[i] # Only for Polygon meta-factories underlying swap (swap_type == 6)
output_token = _route[(i + 1) * 2]
params: uint256[5] = _swap_params[i] # i, j, swap_type, pool_type, n_coins
# store the initial balance of the output_token
output_token_initial_balance: uint256 = self.balance
if output_token != ETH_ADDRESS:
output_token_initial_balance = ERC20(output_token).balanceOf(self)
if not self.is_approved[input_token][swap]:
assert ERC20(input_token).approve(swap, max_value(uint256), default_return_value=True, skip_contract_check=True)
self.is_approved[input_token][swap] = True
eth_amount: uint256 = 0
if input_token == ETH_ADDRESS:
eth_amount = amount
# perform the swap according to the swap type
if params[2] == 1:
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
StablePool(swap).exchange(convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount, 0, value=eth_amount)
else: # crypto or llamma
if input_token == ETH_ADDRESS or output_token == ETH_ADDRESS:
CryptoPoolETH(swap).exchange(params[0], params[1], amount, 0, True, value=eth_amount)
CryptoPool(swap).exchange(params[0], params[1], amount, 0)
elif params[2] == 2:
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
StablePool(swap).exchange_underlying(convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount, 0, value=eth_amount)
else: # crypto
CryptoPool(swap).exchange_underlying(params[0], params[1], amount, 0, value=eth_amount)
elif params[2] == 3: # SWAP IS ZAP HERE !!!
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
LendingBasePoolMetaZap(swap).exchange_underlying(pool, convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount, 0)
else: # crypto
use_eth: bool = input_token == ETH_ADDRESS or output_token == ETH_ADDRESS
CryptoMetaZap(swap).exchange(pool, params[0], params[1], amount, 0, use_eth, value=eth_amount)
elif params[2] == 4:
if params[3] == 10: # stable_ng
amounts: DynArray[uint256, 8] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
StableNgPool(swap).add_liquidity(amounts, 0)
elif params[3] == 30: # tricrypto-ng
amounts: uint256[3] = [0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
if eth_amount > 0:
TriCryptoNgETH(swap).add_liquidity(amounts, 0, True, value=eth_amount)
StablePool3Coins(swap).add_liquidity(amounts, 0)
elif params[4] == 2:
amounts: uint256[2] = [0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
StablePool2Coins(swap).add_liquidity(amounts, 0, value=eth_amount)
elif params[4] == 3:
amounts: uint256[3] = [0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
StablePool3Coins(swap).add_liquidity(amounts, 0, value=eth_amount)
elif params[4] == 4:
amounts: uint256[4] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
StablePool4Coins(swap).add_liquidity(amounts, 0, value=eth_amount)
elif params[4] == 5:
amounts: uint256[5] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
StablePool5Coins(swap).add_liquidity(amounts, 0, value=eth_amount)
elif params[2] == 5:
amounts: uint256[3] = [0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
LendingStablePool3Coins(swap).add_liquidity(amounts, 0, True, value=eth_amount) # example: aave on Polygon
elif params[2] == 6:
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
StablePool(swap).remove_liquidity_one_coin(amount, convert(params[1], int128), 0)
elif params[3] == 30 and output_token == ETH_ADDRESS: # tricrypto-ng & ETH
TriCryptoNgETH(swap).remove_liquidity_one_coin(amount, params[1], 0, True)
else: # crypto
CryptoPool(swap).remove_liquidity_one_coin(amount, params[1], 0) # example: atricrypto3 on Polygon
elif params[2] == 7:
LendingStablePool3Coins(swap).remove_liquidity_one_coin(amount, convert(params[1], int128), 0, True) # example: aave on Polygon
elif params[2] == 8:
if input_token == ETH_ADDRESS and output_token == WETH_ADDRESS:
elif input_token == WETH_ADDRESS and output_token == ETH_ADDRESS:
raise "Swap type 8 is only for ETH <-> WETH"
raise "Bad swap type"
# update the amount received
if output_token == ETH_ADDRESS:
amount = self.balance
amount = ERC20(output_token).balanceOf(self)
# sanity check, if the routing data is incorrect we will have a 0 balance change and that is bad
assert amount - output_token_initial_balance != 0, "Received nothing"
# check if this was the last swap
if i == 4 or _route[i * 2 + 3] == empty(address):
# if there is another swap, the output token becomes the input for the next round
input_token = output_token
amount -= 1 # Change non-zero -> non-zero costs less gas than zero -> non-zero
assert amount >= _min_dy, "Slippage"
# transfer the final token to the receiver
if output_token == ETH_ADDRESS:
raw_call(_receiver, b"", value=amount)
assert ERC20(output_token).transfer(_receiver, amount, default_return_value=True)
log Exchange(msg.sender, _receiver, _route, _swap_params, _pools, _amount, amount)
return amount
def get_dy(
_route: address[11],
_swap_params: uint256[5][5],
_amount: uint256,
_pools: address[5]=empty(address[5])
) -> uint256:
@notice Get amount of the final output token received in an exchange
@dev Routing and swap params must be determined off-chain. This
functionality is designed for gas efficiency over ease-of-use.
@param _route Array of [initial token, pool or zap, token, pool or zap, token, ...]
The array is iterated until a pool address of 0x00, then the last
given token is transferred to `_receiver`
@param _swap_params Multidimensional array of [i, j, swap_type, pool_type, n_coins] where
i is the index of input token
j is the index of output token
The swap_type should be:
1. for `exchange`,
2. for `exchange_underlying`,
3. for underlying exchange via zap: factory stable metapools with lending base pool `exchange_underlying`
and factory crypto-meta pools underlying exchange (`exchange` method in zap)
4. for coin -> LP token "exchange" (actually `add_liquidity`),
5. for lending pool underlying coin -> LP token "exchange" (actually `add_liquidity`),
6. for LP token -> coin "exchange" (actually `remove_liquidity_one_coin`)
7. for LP token -> lending or fake pool underlying coin "exchange" (actually `remove_liquidity_one_coin`)
8. for ETH <-> WETH
pool_type: 1 - stable, 2 - twocrypto, 3 - tricrypto, 4 - llamma
10 - stable-ng, 20 - twocrypto-ng, 30 - tricrypto-ng
n_coins is the number of coins in pool
@param _amount The amount of input token (`_route[0]`) to be sent.
@param _pools Array of pools for swaps via zap contracts. This parameter is needed only for swap_type = 3.
@return Expected amount of the final output token.
input_token: address = _route[0]
output_token: address = empty(address)
amount: uint256 = _amount
for i in range(5):
# 5 rounds of iteration to perform up to 5 swaps
swap: address = _route[i * 2 + 1]
pool: address = _pools[i] # Only for Polygon meta-factories underlying swap (swap_type == 4)
output_token = _route[(i + 1) * 2]
params: uint256[5] = _swap_params[i] # i, j, swap_type, pool_type, n_coins
# Calc output amount according to the swap type
if params[2] == 1:
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
amount = StablePool(swap).get_dy(convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount)
else: # crypto or llamma
amount = CryptoPool(swap).get_dy(params[0], params[1], amount)
elif params[2] == 2:
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
amount = StablePool(swap).get_dy_underlying(convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount)
else: # crypto
amount = CryptoPool(swap).get_dy_underlying(params[0], params[1], amount)
elif params[2] == 3: # SWAP IS ZAP HERE !!!
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
amount = StablePool(pool).get_dy_underlying(convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount)
else: # crypto
amount = CryptoMetaZap(swap).get_dy(pool, params[0], params[1], amount)
elif params[2] in [4, 5]:
if params[3] == 1: # stable
amounts: uint256[10] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
amount = STABLE_CALC.calc_token_amount(swap, output_token, amounts, params[4], True, True)
elif params[3] == 10: # stable_ng
amounts: DynArray[uint256, 8] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
amount = StableNgPool(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, True)
# Tricrypto pools have stablepool interface for calc_token_amount
if params[4] == 2:
amounts: uint256[2] = [0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
if params[3] == 2: # twocrypto
amount = CryptoPool2Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts)
else: # tricrypto, twocrypto-ng
amount = StablePool2Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, True)
elif params[4] == 3:
amounts: uint256[3] = [0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
if params[3] == 2: # twocrypto
amount = CryptoPool3Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts)
else: # tricrypto, tricrypto-ng
amount = StablePool3Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, True)
elif params[4] == 4:
amounts: uint256[4] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
if params[3] == 2: # twocrypto
amount = CryptoPool4Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts)
else: # tricrypto
amount = StablePool4Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, True)
elif params[4] == 5:
amounts: uint256[5] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[0]] = amount
if params[3] == 2: # twocrypto
amount = CryptoPool5Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts)
else: # tricrypto
amount = StablePool5Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, True)
elif params[2] in [6, 7]:
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
amount = StablePool(swap).calc_withdraw_one_coin(amount, convert(params[1], int128))
else: # crypto
amount = CryptoPool(swap).calc_withdraw_one_coin(amount, params[1])
elif params[2] == 8:
if input_token == WETH_ADDRESS or output_token == WETH_ADDRESS:
# ETH <--> WETH rate is 1:1
raise "Swap type 8 is only for ETH <-> WETH"
raise "Bad swap type"
# check if this was the last swap
if i == 4 or _route[i * 2 + 3] == empty(address):
# if there is another swap, the output token becomes the input for the next round
input_token = output_token
return amount - 1
def get_dx(
_route: address[11],
_swap_params: uint256[5][5],
_out_amount: uint256,
_pools: address[5],
_base_pools: address[5]=empty(address[5]),
_base_tokens: address[5]=empty(address[5]),
) -> uint256:
@notice Calculate the input amount required to receive the desired `_out_amount`.
This method is NOT PRECISE for swap_type = 4, 5, 6, 7.
@dev Routing and swap params must be determined off-chain. This
functionality is designed for gas efficiency over ease-of-use.
@param _route Array of [initial token, pool or zap, token, pool or zap, token, ...]
The array is iterated until a pool address of 0x00, then the last
given token is transferred to `_receiver`
@param _swap_params Multidimensional array of [i, j, swap_type, pool_type, n_coins] where
i is the index of input token
j is the index of output token
The swap_type should be:
1. for `exchange`,
2. for `exchange_underlying`,
3. for underlying exchange via zap: factory stable metapools with lending base pool `exchange_underlying`
and factory crypto-meta pools underlying exchange (`exchange` method in zap)
4. for coin -> LP token "exchange" (actually `add_liquidity`),
5. for lending pool underlying coin -> LP token "exchange" (actually `add_liquidity`),
6. for LP token -> coin "exchange" (actually `remove_liquidity_one_coin`)
7. for LP token -> lending or fake pool underlying coin "exchange" (actually `remove_liquidity_one_coin`)
8. for ETH <-> WETH
pool_type: 1 - stable, 2 - twocrypto, 3 - tricrypto, 4 - llamma
10 - stable-ng, 20 - twocrypto-ng, 30 - tricrypto-ng
n_coins is the number of coins in pool
@param _out_amount The desired amount of output coin to receive.
@param _pools Array of pools.
@param _base_pools Array of base pools (for meta pools).
@param _base_tokens Array of base lp tokens (for meta pools).
@return Required amount of input token to send.
amount: uint256 = _out_amount
for _i in range(5):
# 5 rounds of iteration to perform up to 5 swaps
i: uint256 = 4 - _i
swap: address = _route[i * 2 + 1]
if swap == empty(address):
input_token: address = _route[i * 2]
output_token: address = _route[(i + 1) * 2]
pool: address = _pools[i]
base_pool: address = _base_pools[i]
base_token: address = _base_tokens[i]
params: uint256[5] = _swap_params[i] # i, j, swap_type, pool_type, n_coins
n_coins: uint256 = params[4]
# Calc a required input amount according to the swap type
if params[2] == 1:
if params[3] == 1: # stable
if base_pool == empty(address): # non-meta
amount = STABLE_CALC.get_dx(pool, convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount, n_coins)
amount = STABLE_CALC.get_dx_meta(pool, convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount, n_coins, base_pool)
elif params[3] == 10: # stable-ng
amount = StableNgPool(pool).get_dx(convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount)
elif params[3] in [2, 3]: # crypto
amount = CRYPTO_CALC.get_dx(pool, params[0], params[1], amount, n_coins)
else: # llamma, twocrypto-ng, tricrypto-ng
amount = CryptoNgPool(pool).get_dx(params[0], params[1], amount)
elif params[2] in [2, 3]:
if params[3] == 1: # stable
if base_pool == empty(address): # non-meta
amount = STABLE_CALC.get_dx_underlying(pool, convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount, n_coins)
amount = STABLE_CALC.get_dx_meta_underlying(pool, convert(params[0], int128), convert(params[1], int128), amount, n_coins, base_pool, base_token)
elif params[3] == 10: # stable-ng
_n: int128 = convert(params[0], int128)
_k: int128 = convert(params[1], int128)
if _n > 0 and _k > 0:
amount = STABLE_CALC.get_dx(base_pool, _n - 1, _k - 1, amount, n_coins - 1)
amount = StableNgPool(pool).get_dx_underlying(_n, _k, amount)
else: # crypto
amount = CRYPTO_CALC.get_dx_meta_underlying(pool, params[0], params[1], amount, n_coins, base_pool, base_token)
elif params[2] in [4, 5]:
# This is not correct. Should be something like calc_add_one_coin. But tests say that it's precise enough.
if params[3] in [1, 10]: # stable and stable_ng
amount = StablePool(swap).calc_withdraw_one_coin(amount, convert(params[0], int128))
else: # crypto
amount = CryptoPool(swap).calc_withdraw_one_coin(amount, params[0])
elif params[2] in [6, 7]:
if params[3] == 1: # stable
amounts: uint256[10] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[1]] = amount
amount = STABLE_CALC.calc_token_amount(swap, input_token, amounts, n_coins, False, True)
elif params[3] == 10: # stable_ng
amounts: DynArray[uint256, 8] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[1]] = amount
amount = StableNgPool(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, False)
# Tricrypto pools have stablepool interface for calc_token_amount
if n_coins == 2:
amounts: uint256[2] = [0, 0]
amounts[params[1]] = amount
if params[3] == 2: # twocrypto
amount = CryptoPool2Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts) # This is not correct
else: # tricrypto, twocrypto-ng
amount = StablePool2Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, False)
elif n_coins == 3:
amounts: uint256[3] = [0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[1]] = amount
if params[3] == 2: # twocrypto
amount = CryptoPool3Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts) # This is not correct
else: # tricrypto, tricrypto-ng
amount = StablePool3Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, False)
elif n_coins == 4:
amounts: uint256[4] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[1]] = amount
if params[3] == 2: # twocrypto
amount = CryptoPool4Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts) # This is not correct
else: # tricrypto
amount = StablePool4Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, False)
elif n_coins == 5:
amounts: uint256[5] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
amounts[params[1]] = amount
if params[3] == 2: # twocrypto
amount = CryptoPool5Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts) # This is not correct
else: # tricrypto
amount = StablePool5Coins(swap).calc_token_amount(amounts, False)
elif params[2] == 8:
if input_token == WETH_ADDRESS or output_token == WETH_ADDRESS:
# ETH <--> WETH rate is 1:1
raise "Swap type 8 is only for ETH <-> WETH"
raise "Bad swap type"
return amount