Curated Fake Rares Collection: This vault contains 1 THELONEPEPE from the [BTC blockchain](https://xchain.io/asset/THELONEPEPE) .
Fake Rares emerged in 2021 and are viewed as the natural successor to the iconic Rare Pepe collection. Through their organic evolution, Fake Rares have attracted numerous esteemed NFT artists who aim to enrich the Pepe community. To add your Fake Rare to the collection, you must burn 1 FAKEASF upon your submission's approval. Currently, the collection boasts over 15 thriving series, with intentions to persist until all FAKEASF cards are burnt.
[View on Emblem.finance](https://emblem.finance/nft2?id=38857758689379157599983442521205915661221873075694925717275138031577331477368)