▶ This is one of the DeNations Art and also a frame to hold other DeNations Art.
▶ This frame shows information about the next DeNations Art drop.
▶ This frame can hold large size DeNations Art and boost the DeNations Art's Art Index by 5%.
▶ Only one Magic Frame NFT can be attached to one Unique Edition of DeNations Art.
▶ When registered in the National Art Museum of the DeNations' Nation, it can
a) Earn token reward (in DENA) depending on the Art Index and the registration time.
b) Boost DeNations' Nation's DGDP (in DENA) depending on the Art Index and the registration time.
c) Accumulate Experiences over time and public love.
d) Receive Block Rewards generated from future connected Art Blocks.
▶ When it accumulates Experience to the upper limit, it's Level will be raised and it's Art Index will be upgraded.
▶ Refer artchain.denations.com for more details.