Orbitals captures the essence of life's serendipitous collisions, when seemingly unrelated events converge in our journeys and generate a stroke of fortune.
It raises the question of the true nature of these moments. Are they guided by luck, or by a deeper synchronistic pattern that eludes our understanding? And what about the opposite, and all the potentials that have been lost to eternity because of events that never collided?
Orbitals is composed solely of circles to symbolize the collision of events in our lives. And just as some of those circles appear to be lines, the true nature of life's collisions may only become clear with a broader perspective.
Collection Guide:
Mallory: https://twitter.com/MrMallory_
Authorship checksum: cbdb944c6badab3ae084fe8c0c0b2a8e
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Art: NFT License - https://www.nftlicense.org/
Code: CC BY-NC 4.0 - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/