As a parent, you can teach your kids many things. Not to touch a hot stove, look both ways before crossing a street and many other valuable lessons. You can even teach manners and how to interact with the world.
However, in life the biggest influence over your child might not be you, but the friends and people around them as they grow up; sometimes control you do not have. An influence that I pray every day is always a positive part of their lives.
This photo was taken on a rainy day as I was dropping my kids off at school... My son, jumps out of the car and starts to walk into school, his female friend RUNING up to him calling his name and yelling, come here under my umbrella so you don't get wet!
As they walk into school dry and happy, a little tear dropped down my face, knowing he is in good hands.
This edition, is called Friendship, because as we go along this journey of life, everyone needs a friend to hold that umbrella over their head.
Put this image in your collection knowing you have someone ready to protect you from that storm that may come. Gift it to someone that has helped you get to your next sunny day.
Storms will past, sometimes you just need that umbrella to get you through!
Keep your head up!