As part of September 2021 Blood Moon cycle competition, Dildore's verse from the song "Extraterrestrial Sex Tourism" has been translated from Reptillian to English by three remarkable individuals. This NFT immortalises their lyrical mastery.
1. @LazyFiddlerBee with "@Dildore is complaining that @Crucifore didn't refill the toilet paper roll again" https://twitter.com/LazyFiddlerBee/status/1439487185393274880
2. @SatanKuhl666 with: "Pull away your body, just for today. See you, do what you do at the partay. Probi’s away, come to Dildore-ay. Have some fudge and scoobidoo." https://twitter.com/SatanKuhl666/status/1442489686987927557
3. @TaeKwonKrypto with with "Tell me I'm wrong. Come at me. Know who you are and who you've done. Puny human you know who you've done. Know who you are and jee-boo-doo-doo
I give you only yaaaa-doooo"