There comes a point in life when we all feel like misfits in some way, shape, or form - the lack of fitting into some socially imposed mold for humanity. Sometimes, we inhibit so much wrath and anger within ourselves so much so that we feel as though we have committed something heinous and are somehow, ‘tainted’
“I see red...
A river of rubies;
A crimson blaze, culling everything in a wildfire;
I've spilled blood, now raise the pyre;
For I see red...
Warm and branching;
And I watch, with my heart wrenching;
I've sinned and I'm tainted;
These stains, my permanent reminders;
Of limitless times and occasions;
Framing me, a host so vile;
And I can't help but see red...
My vision is blurring;
An endless path of scarlet and screaming;
A sickly routine and constant scheming;
Oh! How this guilt is teaming;
I find myself spiraling,
Down a rabbit hole; collectively decaying;
Slowly, the whole world seems to be red;
A river of rubies;
A crimson blaze;
Inching its way out of my veins...
For I've spilled blood and it's red that I see...
And now my whole world is fading to red…”