First of all: This is a husband <> wife collaboration where there’s one NFT degen and one skeptical IRL artists involved… :D
What’s Punk’s Paper Planes about?
Free paper plane NFTs for all students who attend the UNIC Open Metaverse Initiative X Punk6529 live lessons! Only claimable by people who attended a live session on campus.
As a fresh UNIC student I felt there was something missing on campus:
Paper planes.
Imagine being able to show your grandkids that you own one of the exclusive paper planes which have been floating around on campus in the worlds first on-chain course.
I challenged my wife who is an artist to help us out with the paper planes because I was trying to convince her of the opportunities for artists in the NFT space for quite some time now and this seems to be a perfect collection to get her feet wet.
We offer two different kinds of paper planes:
FREE regular paper planes:
The only way to get one is to send proof that you attended a live session via twitter to @Sieg_ma.
We’ll manually list one plane for your wallet for 0 ETH and you can just claim it directly on opensea. (Only pay gas)
They will be given out in batches of 69 pieces a drop and will have different backgrounds for each drop.
PAID 1/1 artist editions:
Various unique designs which are a combination of digital art + scanned artworks from my wife’s physical pieces. (Check out her linked website)
Mint price: 0.069 ETH
Utility: Own a 1/1 artwork + great feeling to support an upcoming artist
I’m sure @punk6529 would love to see some paper planes flying around during the next lesson.