# A treasure for you, traveling companion.
She almost gave up on her dream, until an alternative was born.
In a world where each generation sees itself as superior to the previous one, it rejects the advice of the past, considering it outdated, and often considers that it has reached the peak of the possible, often refusing the new and different. The true great minds of today consider it important to look at the past as a lesson, at the present as a triumph and the future as a goal. Free souls in search of an alternative, thus creating a new path to freedom. A freedom that defies the impositions and dogmas of centuries and millennia.
A big bang of opportunity exploded in his hands. Satoshi Nakamoto materialized the technology and created the genesis block. BITCOIN is the first daring warrior on this journey. Point to point, unbreakable chain, tireless working miners, indestructible blocks, all united against the corruption of a world that demoralizes and corrodes society. A new hope was created. A Pandora's Box for those trying to maintain power at the top of the pyramid. Now the shape is different, a circle that unites us, a circumference that represents the power to circulate in everyone's hands. We all deserve a better world. As such, cryptocurrency represents a new hope and alternative, a new possibility to make everyone's dreams come true.
On the way to freedom.