GLOBALCHAT P2P Text/Voice/Video Website Guide - HeavensTools Airdrop #2 - Unlockable Content Containing Guide + Source Code to create your own Simple Peer-to-Peer Text/Voice/Video chat website source code to be used with ENS domains. Currently tested and confirmed working on Chrome / Firefox / Safari / Opera / Brave / NetScape Platforms: Android, Windows, Linux, Mac, Smart Fridge. No extra downloads required for Video Chat other than hardware (Mic / Webcam) - 10/2/2022 - satoshi.testaccount.eth - Airdrop #2 For Heavens Tools Public Pass holders
Public Pass: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/75677196155317548552682730913705450333495814571163224755257648943479564271949
Official Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/heavenstools