. {NFT + JPEG} from a collection of 22 unique artworks
Screen impact is a magnificent collection of artworks created by the artistic director Anthony Abrieux who designed lighting, photographed the dazzling model and gave an absolute care to each very pixel of every inch of these photographies.
These artworks are absolutely characteristic of AnthonyAbrieux’s unique style and vision to soften shadows and color grade tenderly the coldness of light
Screen impact is a collection of 22 artworks, ratio 1:1 500mmx500mm, with no AI generation or any implementation nor software modification.
. Buying leads to jpeg file download with password on WeTransferPro
The file is meant for professional printing or any qualitative purpose
Owning NFT gives right to public exploitation like galeries, augmented reality or universe
After selling NFT, only private exploitation of file or printed artwork allowed