This barely is not so cuddly. A scientist was on his way to an out of town testing facility when his daughter stopped him as he was walking out the door. Daddy, she said. I got you this gift so you can remember me while your gone. He stuffed it in his briefcase and off he went. When Gerald arrived at the facility he unpacked his suitcase and placed the stuff bear on his working station. While running some test on some radio active sludge a small sample ended up being spilt onto the teddybear. Gerald didn't think nothing of it and left the facility for his hotel. Appm arriving the following morning the lab was completely in ruin. And the teddybear was not longer positioned where he last placed it. The whole facility went into a panic and went on lockdown. Now Toxic-Teddy roames the halls of the lab, until a evac team is able to secure the facility. I don't think he is looking for a hug this time