1/1 Format: JPG 2000 x 1125 px
Where Did Macy Go? consists of a series reports of Macy’s encounter with the epidemic, life during the quarantine, his death and revival. The work discusses the collapse of old community structures, the emergence of a new community after decollectivization, Confucian obedience vs. social obedience, as well as the new tele-republic of home, “mask politics” and social justice under the pandemic. The work is a response to this era of volatility, complexity and confusion. 通过对主人公“美西”在疫情中的境遇,其被隔离的生活、死而复生以及寻找祖父农庄的迷离报道,《美西去了哪里?》讨论了疫情之下旧有社群结构的瓦解,去集体化后以新共同体的产生,儒家服从vs.社会性服从,以及有关远程居家共同体、口罩政治、疫情下的社会公平等问题。作品是对这个另人恐惧、慌乱和迷茫的时代的一种回应和叩问。