# #72 - My Life's Art Work
This whole process is a personal lesson in being OK with moving forward. A lesson in not getting too attached to an idea or design. The physical painting that you see here is now gone. It is no longer. I have moved on from here. The only actual existence of this original is this NFT. The more I dive into this idea the more I love it. The more it changes my feelings about art and what it means to be an artist.
I hope that with this art experiment, you are redefining what it means to view and collect art. This is still the beginning. This is still too early to see what larger impact these NFTs will have down the road. Whatever happens, I am here for the long haul and you are welcome to join me.
1) Be sure to [JOIN THE DISCORD](https://dsc.gg/mylifesartwork) | Discord members get previews and first dibs on each drop.
2) Don't forget your [PRIMARY & SECONDARY REWARDS](https://www.mylifesartwork.com/rewards) - Reward instructions are in the Unlockable Content. Be sure to check the secondary market! You also can get rare variants of your NFT.
3) [VIEW THE MLAW WEBSITE](https://www.mylifesartwork.com/) to learn more about this project.
Welcome to the most ambitious art project I have ever attempted.
I will work on this painting for the rest of my life and document the whole process with 1/1 NFTs.
When I die it will be complete.
I have no idea when the end will be and where this will go until that time. It will evolve and change over time, just as I do. It will reflect the creative idea of the moment and then be lost to time as it changes into something else.
Just as we all do.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. It’s great to have you here.