Woman have been facing a lot many problems in their lifetime though they have proved of being equally capable as men in all walks of life. From being a homemaker to a mom or a business woman. She has always manifest her significance and her ability to do everything well.
Yet it is Shameful that the world has never looked up to them with the respect they deserve. Especially in most part of the world where we worship goddesses , women have been criticised and disrespected at every point of Time. Domestic violence, rape , molestation, eve teasing, acid throwing , dowry deaths. Has become a part of every woman's life in this Male dominant society. They have been trapped in a invisible jail of limitations in life where they can't help the suffocation they feel.
Since this concept has been named 'BOUNDARIES' to define all this it is high time men and women both start respecting other woman and help them progress in life which is what this image wants to say.