"Digiro!" Yelled a West African native in their Hausian language to the new hunters, emphasizing the importance of holding the 45-degree angle to ensure everyone has a safe shooting zone.
Barely listening, the new and excited hunters were being ignorant and thought about who would capture the first lion of the season.
Equipment: 30-06 Rifle and multiple daggers
First Day of Hunting Season: Taking a deep breath, Amari, the youngest hunter, had a lion about 80 yards away right in his sights! The only problem was, he wandered past his village border into the wide-open savanna, meaning anything could happen...
About to fire, a strong gust of wind hits, causing the lion to move behind a tree. This forces Amari to withhold from shooting. Keeping his eyes on the lion he slowly creeps forward and to the left...
Little did he know that he was inching his way towards a hidden ancient well that couldn't have been dug by any human.