Atlantis District total parcels, 1024.
Tier 1 has 256 parcels in SAGUARO AAA+ Rated. The Property (-93,94).
Vuco World 2022, SAGUARO 1 of 256 Land Parcels.
This SAGUARO Parcel is 16x16 in the Atlantis District and is number 1 of 256 AAA+ Premium Placement Positions authorized and zoned for Residential, Industrial, and Commercial Land Zoning.
General Information:
Vuco World is composed of 25 districts with 4 cities each having 1024 land parcels. The total number of land parcels per district is 4,096 with ratings starting at AAA+, AA+, BBB+ and BB+.
Each city is composed of 1024 land parcels where 30% will be for the roads, trees and other public infrastructures, another 30% will remain as VUCO properties. The remaining 40% will be the maximum saleable land per city.
Breakdown of SAGUARO
1024 - Total parcels
(40%) - MAX PARCELS TO BE SOLD IN SAGUARO 256 parcels each for ratings AAA+ , AA+ BB+, BBB+.
16 x 16 = $ 10,240
The VucoWorld meta encompasses 102,400 pieces of land, or parcels. Each parcel is 16 square meters, roughly 50 feet by 50 feet. So, land is a limited resource in Vuco World as it is in the real world.
Each land parcel purchased will become a non-fungible token (NFT, ERC 721 or 1155), which means it is unique and cannot be forged or duplicated, the same as physical land in real life. Anybody can buy, sell, or rent land at any time, peer-to-peer on the official VucoWorld Marketplace, or via Open-sea where the digital land for Vuco World will be minted.
VucoCoin is paired with Ethereum ERC20 and has not yet been given a global value on the world market. Today, we value the Vuco Coin pairing price as it moves up and down based on the high or low value of Ethereum’s daily price. Vuco World has a pre-buy Launch for several consortiums and Pioneer shareholders starting December 30th, 2021.
For more information, you may visit https://vucoworld.com/faqs/.