In Napasio World, a magical art universe, there are many different incredible worlds with hundreds of colorful and unusual characters that coexist together. One of these worlds is the harsh, but in its own way attractive Strangehood.
Meet our 10th anniversary issue in the collection. Our new hero is the brave space pirate Big Brother Zemek, who is legendary in many worlds. Zemek is nicknamed Big Brother because, despite his stern nature and ruthlessness towards his enemies, Zemek cares deeply about his crew and will never leave his crew members in trouble. Having traveled to many worlds and seen thousands of battles, now Zemek went to Strangehood because he found out that he has a son here - Butch the Spiman from 3th issue. Now Zemek must find him to become a member of his crew and heir to his gang of space pirates.
NFT contains unlockable content - original 3000x3000 px illustration by Napasio.