"Charles, Duke of Somerset, Master of the Horse, Of the Ancient Family of Seymour, who made so great a figure in the Reign of Edward the Sixth. This Duke, in the Reign of King Charles the Second, had the Garter and married the Heiress of Piercy of Northumberland, which much increased his Estate, but he made no considerable figure, till the Reign of King James when, being in waiting as Bed-chamberman, at the arrival of the Pope's nuncio in England, and refusing to assist at the Ceremony of the Introduction, he was dismissed from all his Employments. He notwithstanding did not enter into the measures of the revolution, but for some years warmly opposed the designs of King William's ministry, joined in Impeaching the partition, and protested against acquitting those who advised it. Yet upon the French Kings sending the Duke of Anjou to Spain, he came over to the service of his country. On the Queens Accession to the Throne, he was made Master of the Horse; and appears at Court with a great deal of Warmth for a party that seems to suffer by King Williams death. He is of middle stature, well shaped, a very black complexion, a lover of music and poetry; of good judgement but by reason of great hesitation in his speech wants expression. He is about 40 years old."