Master Windhims led 212 Jedi into combat at the Battle of Geonosis and slew the infamous bounty hunter Jango Fetthims. He was often on the frontlines of fierce fighting, where he led Republic forces as a High Jedi General. He would dominate on many battlefronts, most notably on Dantooine, though he wrecked shop on Ryloth, Null, Boz Pity and Haruun Kal amongst others. In the final days of the war, Windhims confronted and cornered Darth Sidihims in a difficult duel, after Jedi Knight Anakin Pusswalkhims told Windhims that Sidihims and Supreme Chancellor Palpahims were the same person. Hims was ultimately betrayed by Pusswalkhims and subsequently killed by Sidihims, falling to his death from the window of Sidihims's office.