Pagan gods and fairies are deeply rooted in Lithuanian folklore and a number of mythological creatures were said to be living in deep forests spanning the country. As the Baltics were one of the last pagan nations in Europe to Christianize, mythology from the area is a lot more recent than in other areas. This collection explores the mysterious.
On foggy dusks, forests appear especially mysterious and one might wonder what kind of wonders they are hiding. In this work artist juxtaposes the mystery associated with forests in folklore with the mystery of artificial intelligence networks that are able to create real looking photographs of forests and invent motion transformations between still images.
In order to create the visuals, the artist modified her neural network trained to generate synthetic cityscapes and landscapes and made it forget the civilization features by only showing a highly curated collection of 300 forest photographs. It represents the human nature of forgetting the daily struggles when presented with the powerful force of nature and getting lost in the mystery of the unknown.