Shub-wob is a sonic prism elf. He rarely says anything other than his name, Shub-wob… The elven dialect is quite complex and a large proportion of their communication is performed through either telepathy or laughter. However, when Shub-wob says Shub-wob, he is infact using the the sound waves he produces as a sonic healing tool. Whoever stands in his close proximity while he is repeating Shub-wob in a wide array of sounds, will feel a calmness previously unknown to them as if time had stopped, removing any tension they might have been experiencing. Even the trees find serenity in Shub-wob’s soothing, vibrational sounds. The other prism elves love being around him, especially when they’re feeling sleepy as his frequencies are also fine purveyors of dreams 👽💜🌿🛌🍄