- Primeste inregistarea video completa de aproximativ 4 minute, prima inregistrare dupa 7 ani cu "Vocea interzisa" a lui Dan Diaconescu, Navalnîi din Romania
- Dezvaluiri in exclusivitate despre singurul univers in care il puteti vedea pe Dan Diaconescu
- Doar una dintre cele 1918 copii contine un video in plus in care Dan Diaconescu dezvaluie un secret major al lui si doar acea persoana va detine in proprietate si va cunoaste acel secret
- Formularul „X” , NFT-ul unic, singurul NFT cu continut secret ce pastreaza informatia ce distruge granitele interzisului , acest secret criptat va avea un unic propietar, iar acel propietar poti fi tu!
-Dan Diaconescu va oferi NFT–ul UNIC, dintre cele 1918 copii listate, castigatatorului, celui care va avea norocul sa aiba drept de propietate asupra senzationalului secret, personal, privind in ochi omul cu care isi imparte taina vietii sale!
- Receives the complete video recording of approximately 4 minutes, the first recording after 7 years with "The Forbidden Voice" by Dan Diaconescu, Navalny from Romania
- Exclusive revelations about the only universe in which you can see Dan Diaconescu
- Only one of the 1918 copies contains an extra video in which Dan Diaconescu reveals a major secret of his and only that person will own it and will know that secret
- Form "X", the unique NFT, the only NFT with secret content that keeps the information that destroys the borders of the forbidden, this encrypted secret will have a single owner, and that owner can be you!
-Dan Diaconescu will offer the UNIC NFT, from the 1918 listed children, to the winner, to the one who will be lucky to have property right over the sensational secret, personal, looking into the eyes of the man with whom he shares the secret of his life!