Magnentius (c. 303–353 AD) is a Roman usurper who declared himself emperor from 350 to 353 AD. Of non-Roman descent, he rose through the ranks of the Roman military to become a senior officer. In 350, discontented with the rule of Constans, the soldiers in Autun proclaimed Magnentius as emperor. He quickly consolidated power by eliminating Constans. His reign, however, was marked by constant warfare against legitimate emperors and other usurpers. The most significant of these conflicts was against Constantius II. After a series of defeats, particularly the crucial Battle of Mursa Major in 351, Magnentius's position became untenable. Facing inevitable defeat in 353, he chose to end his own life. Despite his brief and tumultuous reign, Magnentius's time in power highlighted the internal and external pressures that were fragmenting the Western Roman Empire during the 4th century.