JIRAVIL is aiming directly towards the BLK PYRAMID and plans to f*@@#04----- " TH!S !S B0S$ SP3@K!NG, H@V3 Y^0 L0S7 Y^0R M!ND! PRE.PARE.TO.DIE"........ What is going on??? It seems as if BOSS has directly interfered with my speaking command and is communicating with JIRAVIL. This cannot be good....
You may be asking, why is BOSS a different color, and why does he give off so much heat?
Well, allow me to explain. The world we live in is run by energy; mainly there are two kinds of energy. There is DARK ENERGY (DE) and there is LIGHT ENERGY (LE). There are different kinds of energy but let us focus on these two for now.
LIGHT ENERGY - Light energy is made up of photons, electrons, and something called enectoron. The ability for someone to generate enecteron is based upon their genetic makeup and also their worthiness. Meaning most of the traits required to manipulate LIGHT ENERGY is hereditary.
DARK ENERGY - DARK ENERGY is made up of antiphotons, protectrons, and anenectrons. Just as LIGHT ENERGY, most of the traits required to wield DARK ENERGY are hereditary.
With enough training and meditation, many people born with these traits are able to manipulate and wield this energy however they want. BOSS is an outlier, BOSS can manipulate both LE and DE. There arent many like BOSS, which is what makes him so special. The two balls of energy you see on BOSS are one of the ways BOSS can manipulate LE. Even though BOSS is in DM (DARK ENERGY MODE), he is still able to use LE. Let's see the damage that these two LE balls cause...