Beware of the Sharks is an artistic warning to Noobs, newbie traders and perhaps existing traders including myself to always remember that the sharks are always waiting for vulnerable prey in the traditional and Crypto markets to stop you out and then reverse the direction of the market to seize maximum profit. This piece which features Mr Dollar Bags is the first of a series of pieces with this character.
As you will see the image shows a dead sheep which represents naïve traders who place their stops too close to trading ranges and are then stopped out by the sharks. You can see the stop sign on the ground with a shark bite and bags of money which once belonged to retail traders. The pet shark represents Mr Dollars approach to the market
For those who trade the markets or just like the message in this piece then it would be a great fun piece to add to your collection.
Stay Crypto blessed.
Size: 2217 x 1770
Dimension: 1.4 MB