- This is one of our **Museum Series** releases. It will be released only to museums, who can [fill out a form here](https://sadp924xqo1.typeform.com/to/rkKZHKBI) to request one.
- Museums are encouraged to trade, auction, HODL, display, or do whatever else they want with this NFT. Our intention is to spark conversation, collaboration, and move the fields of paleontology, conservation, and education forward.
- The only way to obtain this NFT as an individual is to acquire it on the secondary market.
- Like the Stegosaurus, the Ankylosaurus accoutrements were vivid orange in color
- All the accoutrements on this dinosaur were possibly used for display and also for warning away predators
- Most people consider dinosaur horns, shields, plates, and spikes were used for defense, but Jack and others think these accoutrements were used for display purposes
- Jack thinks Ankylosaurus were probably spending a lot of time in the waters feeding on plants close to shore, like rushes