The rare and elusive five-tailed Kitsune is a mythical fox of Japanese folklore and is a fascinating and complex creature. Kitsune possess supernatural powers, including the ability to shape-shift into human form, create illusions, and control fire and lightning. Kitsune are often portrayed as mischievous tricksters, known for their cunning and playful nature. In some tales, they act as protectors of humans, while in others, they are seen as malevolent beings who enjoy causing chaos and confusion. Kitsune are also associated with the god Inari, and are often depicted with rice and sake, which are offerings to the deity. Overall, Kitsune are a rich and intriguing part of Japanese mythology and continue to captivate people's imaginations to this day.
# From the Creator
Kitsune is a part of the Mythical Creatures collection, which have been a part of my digital agency for a decade in business. As I wind down this legacy, I aim to pass on some of my stories and other surprises hidden in each item of this collection. Each creature has a story fitting of their unique traits.
Buying Kitsune will unlock a hidden tale (pun intended) from the founder related to mischief and mayhem in the digital agency world!