5 lands (4 Regular, 1 Mysterious)
10 0-Gen Apostles
10 Gold Chests
The rules : 1.This auction will be held on Opensea on Ethereum network, and open for bidding for 7 days. After the auction ends, the highest bidder wins. 2.The income will be repurchased from the market, and 10% will enter the lottery pool according to the distribution method, 30% will enter the developer pool, 15% will enter the user incentive pool, 15% will enter the farm pool and 30% will enter KTON dividend pool. 3.At the conclusion of the auction, the NFT pack will be sent to the Crab Network address of the same address used for bidding. The equity certificate will be redeemable 10 days after the Crab mainland goes online. 4.The two kinds of gift packages will be officially listed this Thursday. Special Instructions: The land equity certificate will be minted on the “Ethereum Network” and sold on the “Ethereum Network.” Users who wish to participate in the auction should prepare USDC for purchase and ETH for gas fees. 10 days after the launch of the Columbus Land, holders of the NFT will be able to redeem the rights and items in Evolution Land on the “Crab Network.” Adventurers who win the pack will be able to configure their apostles and drills on the land as quickly as possible to start obtaining resource benefits~