The greatest desire of my heart has always revolved around leading a creative life. Yet, this desire has also been my greatest torment. To heed the sage words of Patti Smith, "I had no proof that I had the stuff to be an artist, though I hungered to be one." Last year, on the cusp of turning 29, I finally took the plunge. I quit my job and moved across the country, leaving behind everything and everyone I have ever known on the quest to discovering what being an artist means to me.
This song is a collaboration with my good friend Joe, and aims to serve as a reminder that life is fragile, and we can never take it for granted. We can always choose to receive all that our existence has to offer with an open heart, mind and soul. The transient nature of the ebbs and flows of our day; the existential dilemmas we all inevitably have to face - to walk through the fire, ultimately finding from within a sense of purpose, what sparks joy in our lives.
I hope when you listen to this song, it provokes something within you, stirs your spirit into motion. This one is for you.