Cyrenne is a goddess of the Windy Canyon, known for her powers related to dreams. She has the unique ability to enter the dreams of anyone in the realm and influence their behavior for the better. By guiding their dreams and interpreting their hidden messages, she is able to help bring peace to those who are troubled, and even reform those with malicious intent.
As soon as she was born, Cyrenne knew that her purpose was to guide and protect the inhabitants of Windy Canyon. She spent her early days exploring the realm and listening to the dreams of its people. She soon realized that she could use her powers to help those in need.
As she grew older, Cyrenne's powers over dreams became more pronounced. She could enter the dreams of anyone in Windy Canyon, and guide them towards a better path. She was able to help those who were troubled find peace, and even reform those with a tendency for malice and wrongdoing.