Sometimes the best inspiration is right outside your door. In this case, I stepped outside one night and the way the moon was positioned, the sky, the freshly fixed sign of the church across the street, and of course the message contained inside the sign compelled me to grab my camera and capture the scene.
Now, to be fully transparent, I am not religious. I was raised Jewish, but I consider myself more "ish" than "Jew". That being said, "GOD IS SPEAKING ARE YOU LISTENING" is a pretty powerful message to have right outside your door. To me, I interpret this as saying you (all of us) have the answers to solve any problem you face, but will you trust yourself to listen? I truly believe that we are capable of solving our problems, the issue though is that most people refuse to ask for help or worse, do not see there is a problem or refuse to acknowledge that there are problems in our society that place some ahead of others. So I ask you what i ask myself every day, what are the hard questions that need answering? Will you listen to the answers? Will you put ego aside and either ask for help or help out? Will you see past yourself and your past experiences to ensure a better tomorrow for you and everyone else?
I hope you understand my point of view and reaction to this scene and I hope that you too have your own point of view and reaction. I'd also love to hear about it so feel free to DM on twitter: @SidneyFligel