Florian Adolph | St. Georg | 2022 | unique NFT | Augmented Reality Sculpture | 13 Sec loop | Dimensions variable | mp4 | http://www.florianadolph.com/ | ©Florian Adolph, 2022 | drop with https://xcircle.io/
The unlockable content includes 1 .usdz file (Augmented Reality-format for mobile Apple-devices), 1 High Resolution Rendering and 1 Animation.
"Like many of the works in the artist’s oeuvre, this sculpture exist in hard to define spaces between the virtual and the physical, between the hand made and the mechanical. They are digital renderings, of course, yet they feel handmade. And they are, in a way. A hand is still controlling a device that navigates between code-lines and display-pixels. And it’s a painter’s hand, no doubt." Ben Livne-Weitzman