During the creation of this collection of works, I wanted to convey what a meaningful, committed relationship looks and feels like to me. The raw emotions, the ups, the downs. There’s many layers to what goes into a relationship with another individual and since this complexity is created by God, it is far more than the human mind can fathom. Naturally a relationship with God shows up to me black and white. The purest form of steadfast love. It's exactly as he says it is. The only thing that can change is us. He stays the same. The experience with another human being could never be what a relationship with God is. Steadfast. Consist. Never wavering. With people, relationships are much more dynamic. All different types, shades and colors. Some relationships are bright and some are dark. All have layers and ways of being that we, as humans, can show up as and it can be a different version from day to day. We are imperfect and that is exactly how God designed it.