This is the 21th art piece of the Artcows Prequel collection, by the french artist VanLuc.
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Each Prequel Artcow is a 1x1m digital piece of art. In the « unlockable content » part of this NFT, you will find a link to the High Definition file of your art piece, and an email address.
All of these pieces are created on a digital tablet, sometimes including photographies, paints or diverse elements.
This email address will allow you to claim the unique physical art piece, which will be sent to your home. The physical piece is a 1x1m polyacrylate print, in a 123x123cm design frame.
Few of these pieces are visible at la galerie, in Arromanches, France. For more information visit www.lagalerie-arromanches.com
The ownership of this NFT will grant access to the presale of the Artcows project, coming thru 2022. The snapshot date to determine the owner will remain secret.
Vanluc Artiste Français - Maison des artistes N176822 - SIREN 527 527 527 APE 934A