Is it a dolphin? Is it a phish? One thing's for sure - they're cool as phuk, they're phLy as a philly cheese steak, they're phat with a ph.
Pretty much any other word you can toss a ph in front of, too.
I'm releasing one-of-a-kind digital stickers in print-runs of 10. This is10 of 10. The 10th and final sticker from this print-run! Stay tuned for more color variations! :)
Slap these bad boys all over the place and show off the unique variants that you get. The stickers are 32 x 52 pixels. They are intended to show up small, and would make great watermarks on other content. Would be great little Easter-eggs to sneak into other content.
I will be releasing profile picture sized stamps as single one-of-a-kind variants in the future, so keep an eye out!