Inspired by a photograph of a buddhist monastery, this piece draws from intricate thangka paintings of Samsara, ie, the cycle of death and rebirth to which buddhists believe us all to be bound. The wheel of life is often held by a demonic figure, Yama, the lord of the underworld. The artwork portrays the character of Yama as the centric figure as opposed to the wheel. In the artwork Yama has his hands full as the deity that governs the cycle overwhelmed by the increasing number of entities to govern. All three of his eyes follow us frantically as we choose to indulge in the here and now, forever bound to the cycle, and with Yama, forever bound to governing it.
Artist : Nayna Yadav
Photographer : Cryptogod
The mentioned NFT is minted as part of Cryptogod's World 2.0 : Fusion of Photography x NFT.
Cryptogod's World project is a unique collaboration of 150+ Artists & Photographers. We are bringing together the magic of photography & art to create 1/1 Fusion NFTs.