Doug TenNapel’s Eternal Klay is a collection of NFTs that is a tribute to his art history and experience as an animator, comic book author and fine artist. These are digital, hand- drawn beings made by the creator of Earthworm Jim, The Neverhood and Catscratch! As the smoke cleared from the demolition of Klayjus, a beauty vacuum was created across the scorched world. The land stood parched and without mystical wonder. From the starvation of beauty in the air came a breeze that brought magical Klaydies into the world. They came to bring balance and an ability of broad multitasking. The Klaydies are a subset of 135 works of art. All Klaydies count as the Klay type within the 5 types to collect (ie. Klays, Wils, Klayju, Klotts and Horgs).