Each Metalove piece is an element of an evolving, emergent body of work. The same way we all feel like separate individuals, yet we are all connected and part of an evolving universe. They were not created or focused on individually but emerged separately as parts of an Ai inquiry into what love may look like in the Metaverse.
What does love in the Metaverse look like? Irl , popularity often evolves around beauty and genetic dominance. How does this change in the Metaverse? If we can create our own virtual identity what becomes appealing? Are personality and communication now the most desirable traits? Do artistry and style make us more noticeable, if we can all physically resemble our idealized self, can introverts become more confident? Does our real world identity become the soul of our virtual counterparts...
Genderless with mutated pronouns the characters melt into each other, humans and machines becoming one. Aliens and robotic gods merge with humanity and together they imagine a future where anything is possible and the way we love each other is forever changed.
Exploring love in the Metaverse through the lens of Ai. This collection was originally created parallel to Vogue Singapore's " From Blockchain to Love Chain " campaign released on Valentines day 2023. The collection serves both as a way to support the artist and a channel to show love to different web3 communities..