KIEYA is a collection of animated island spirits that are revived through the exchange of life. Employing generative artificial intelligence techniques, the collection tells an otherworldly science-fiction narrative extrapolating on a future techno-utopia.
The story begins in the year 7292. In this future Earth, books and physical forms of stories have become extinct. One day, a small meteorite lands in the ocean. Future humans discover that the meteorite contains particles of an advanced alien technology. Sparking a cyber-cultural revolution, the future ancestors use their discovery to create an artificial intelligence that ushers in not only a rebirth of storytelling for the world but also new methodologies for reviving art and creative visual expression.
They name the AI 'KIEYA', who becomes an art companion that offers collectors endless opportunities to own new lifeforms every month through 'the art of exchange'. In this future, humanity believes that the best way to own art is to experience it changing over time through a randomized algorithmic function. Once KIEYA is collected, the spirit token will leave and switch to another holder every 22 days. In this speculative art-centered reality, the constant exchange of experience enriches the human race exponentially, leading to a renaissance of creativity and connection.
The collection is inspired by Nygilia's grandmother's German shepherd 'Kieya', who protected her outside while playing as a child. Kieya was like a guardian, enabling Nygilia to explore the world and learn with a safe and benevolent companion. Throughout the collection, Nygilia employs her uniquely magical use of character creation, rooting the viewer's experience in a rich exploration of posthumanism through the lens of Afro-Caribbean futurity. Each spirit is completely unique, with its own shape, animation, and texture. Like Nygilia's Kieya, KIEYA is an ephemeral friend that keeps coming to you, safeguarding your wallet as you explore the unpredictable open sea of Web3.