The first Kudoglyph to appear...
"GROW" is a universal force that empowers this 1st KUDOglyph.
Join this journey to collect and enter the digital realm that awaits.
(This is the 1st of 9 to collect.)
Kudoglyphs can be earned from participation in releases, events and more. Stay tuned for the next Kudoglyph to be revealed! Collect them all to GROW a special NFT.
Various themes of positivity are often expressed through signature abstract shapes and a visual language called “Kudoglyphs.” Similar to hieroglyphics, Kudoglyphs are symbols that hold meaning, but with each Kudoglyph, you are given encouraging messages of promise, hope, and positive affirmations. “New shapes are still being invented and added to a “Rosetta Kudo Stone”. The glyphs are called “Kudoglyphs” because “kudos” are given as compliments, honor, praise, or positive affirmations. The goal is to send the viewer encouraging messages of promise and hope.
In a world where LOVE & FEAR seem to be at war, an enlightened group arrives. They are called the Kudomians. They bring peace, love & light! A formidable group called the “Odoks” plot to steal the kudo light. They try to battle but fail. They do manage to shatter the kudomians energy source into fragments "Kudoglyphs". What brave souls will reunite the Kudo Glyphs and restore balance & order…
A creator on EARTH has made contact...
What is the inception? Could it be this group from another world? One day, the artist took aspects of his 3-dimensional shapes and expressed them in “glyph form”; then he used these glyphs to create a visual language, it added an extra dimension to his art. As visions and messages are revealed, hidden messages are fused into his creations!
“Although there are many differences in the styles that present themselves in the work, all of the pieces tend to have unifying themes - based on light, positivity, and unity.
Collect and walk towards the path of revealing light.
Lets Grow together!