Exterior: Battle-Scarred
High risk and high reward, the infamous AWP is recognizable by its signature report and one-shot, one-kill policy. It has been custom painted with a knotwork dragon.
<i>200 keys could never unlock its secrets</i>
The Cobblestone Collection
<br><div id="sticker_info" name="sticker_info" title="Sticker" style="border: 2px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); border-radius: 6px; width=100; margin:4px; padding:8px;"><center><img width=64 height=48 src="https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/cologne2015/sig_kennys_foil.58eb8b45a7d1b3dd75958350994b29187805fb13.png"><br>Sticker: kennyS (Foil) | Cologne 2015</center></div>