

文件 1 的 1:Play0x_LottoBall.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

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// Play0x.com (The ONLY gaming platform for all ERC20 Tokens)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Multiple types of game platforms
// * Build your own game zone - Not only playing games, but also allowing other players to join your game.
// * Support all ERC20 tokens.
// 0xC Token (Contract address : 0x60d8234a662651e586173c17eb45ca9833a7aa6c)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * 0xC Token is an ERC20 Token specifically for digital entertainment.
// * No ICO and private sales,fair access.
// * There will be hundreds of games using 0xC as a game token.
// * Token holders can permanently get ETH's profit sharing.

 * @title SafeMath
 * @dev Math operations with safety checks that revert on error
library SafeMath {

  * @dev Multiplies two numbers, reverts on overflow.
  function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
    // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
    // See: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/pull/522
    if (a == 0) {
      return 0;

    uint256 c = a * b;
    require(c / a == b);

    return c;

  * @dev Integer division of two numbers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
  function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(b > 0); // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
    uint256 c = a / b;
    // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold

    return c;

  * @dev Subtracts two numbers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
  function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(b <= a);
    uint256 c = a - b;

    return c;

  * @dev Adds two numbers, reverts on overflow.
  function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 c = a + b;
    require(c >= a);

    return c;

  * @dev Divides two numbers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo),
  * reverts when dividing by zero.
  function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(b != 0);
    return a % b;

* @title ERC20 interface
* @dev see https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20
contract ERC20 {
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) public constant returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address who) public constant returns  (uint256);
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public;
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
    event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);

contract Play0x_LottoBall {

    using SafeMath for uint256;
    using SafeMath for uint128;
    using SafeMath for uint40;
    using SafeMath for uint8;

    uint public jackpotSize;
    uint public tokenJackpotSize;

    uint public MIN_BET;
    uint public MAX_BET;
    uint public MAX_AMOUNT;

    //Adjustable max bet profit.
    uint public maxProfit;
    uint public maxTokenProfit;

    //Fee percentage
    uint8 public platformFeePercentage = 15;
    uint8 public jackpotFeePercentage = 5;
    uint8 public ERC20rewardMultiple = 5;

    //Bets can be refunded via invoking refundBet.
    uint constant BetExpirationBlocks = 250;

    //Funds that are locked in potentially winning bets.
    uint public lockedInBets;
    uint public lockedTokenInBets;

    bytes32 bitComparisonMask = 0xF;

    //Standard contract ownership transfer.
    address public owner;
    address private nextOwner;
    address public manager;
    address private nextManager;

    //The address corresponding to a private key used to sign placeBet commits.
    address[] public secretSignerList;
    address public ERC20ContractAddres;
    address constant DUMMY_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE;

    //Single bet.
    struct Bet {
        //Amount in wei.
        uint amount;
        //place tx Block number.
        uint40 placeBlockNumber;
        // Address of a gambler.
        address gambler;

    //Mapping from commits
    mapping (uint => Bet) public bets;

    //Withdrawal mode data.
    uint32[] public withdrawalMode;

    //Admin Payment
    event ToManagerPayment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);
    event ToManagerFailedPayment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);
    event ToOwnerPayment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);
    event ToOwnerFailedPayment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);

    //Bet Payment
    event Payment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);
    event FailedPayment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);
    event TokenPayment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);

    event JackpotBouns(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);
    event TokenJackpotBouns(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount);

    // Events that are issued to make statistic recovery easier.
    event PlaceBetLog(address indexed player, uint amount,uint8 rotateTime);

    event BetRelatedData(
        address indexed player,
        uint playerBetAmount,
        uint playerGetAmount,
        bytes32 entropy,
        bytes32 entropy2,
        uint8 Uplimit,
        uint8 rotateTime

    // Constructor. Deliberately does not take any parameters.
    constructor () public {
        owner = msg.sender;
        manager = DUMMY_ADDRESS;
        ERC20ContractAddres = DUMMY_ADDRESS;

    // Standard modifier on methods invokable only by contract owner.
    modifier onlyOwner {
        require (msg.sender == owner);

    modifier onlyManager {
        require (msg.sender == manager);

    //Init Parameter.
    function initialParameter(address _manager,address[] _secretSignerList,address _erc20tokenAddress ,uint _MIN_BET,uint _MAX_BET,uint _maxProfit,uint _maxTokenProfit, uint _MAX_AMOUNT, uint8 _platformFeePercentage,uint8 _jackpotFeePercentage,uint8 _ERC20rewardMultiple,uint32[] _withdrawalMode)external onlyOwner{
        manager = _manager;
        secretSignerList = _secretSignerList;
        ERC20ContractAddres = _erc20tokenAddress;

        MIN_BET = _MIN_BET;
        MAX_BET = _MAX_BET;
        maxProfit = _maxProfit;
        maxTokenProfit = _maxTokenProfit;
        platformFeePercentage = _platformFeePercentage;
        jackpotFeePercentage = _jackpotFeePercentage;
        ERC20rewardMultiple = _ERC20rewardMultiple;
        withdrawalMode = _withdrawalMode;

    // Standard contract ownership transfer implementation,
    function approveNextOwner(address _nextOwner) external onlyOwner {
        require (_nextOwner != owner);
        nextOwner = _nextOwner;

    function acceptNextOwner() external {
        require (msg.sender == nextOwner);
        owner = nextOwner;

    // Standard contract ownership transfer implementation,
    function approveNextManager(address _nextManager) external onlyManager {
        require (_nextManager != manager);
        nextManager = _nextManager;

    function acceptNextManager() external {
        require (msg.sender == nextManager);
        manager = nextManager;

    // Fallback function deliberately left empty.
    function () public payable {

    //Set signer.
    function setSecretSignerList(address[] newSecretSignerList) external onlyOwner {
        secretSignerList = newSecretSignerList;

    //Set signer by index
    function setSecretSignerByIndex(address newSecretSigner,uint newSecretSignerIndex) external onlyOwner {
        secretSignerList[newSecretSignerIndex] = newSecretSigner;

    //Set tokenAddress.
    function setTokenAddress(address _tokenAddress) external onlyManager {
        ERC20ContractAddres = _tokenAddress;

    // Change max bet reward. Setting this to zero effectively disables betting.
    function setMaxProfit(uint _maxProfit) public onlyOwner {
        require (_maxProfit < MAX_AMOUNT);
        maxProfit = _maxProfit;

    // Funds withdrawal.
    function withdrawFunds(address beneficiary, uint withdrawAmount) external onlyOwner {
        require (withdrawAmount <= address(this).balance);

        uint safetyAmount = jackpotSize.add(lockedInBets).add(withdrawAmount);
        safetyAmount = safetyAmount.add(withdrawAmount);

        require (safetyAmount <= address(this).balance);
        sendFunds(beneficiary, withdrawAmount, withdrawAmount);

    // Token withdrawal.
    function withdrawToken(address beneficiary, uint withdrawAmount) external onlyOwner {
        require (withdrawAmount <= ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).balanceOf(address(this)));

        uint safetyAmount = tokenJackpotSize.add(lockedTokenInBets);
        safetyAmount = safetyAmount.add(withdrawAmount);
        require (safetyAmount <= ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).balanceOf(address(this)));

         ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).transfer(beneficiary, withdrawAmount);
         emit TokenPayment(beneficiary, withdrawAmount);

    //Recovery of funds
    function withdrawAllFunds(address beneficiary) external onlyOwner {
        if (beneficiary.send(address(this).balance)) {
            lockedInBets = 0;
            emit Payment(beneficiary, address(this).balance);
        } else {
            emit FailedPayment(beneficiary, address(this).balance);

    //Recovery of Token funds
    function withdrawAlltokenFunds(address beneficiary) external onlyOwner {
        ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).transfer(beneficiary, ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).balanceOf(address(this)));
        lockedTokenInBets = 0;
        emit TokenPayment(beneficiary, ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).balanceOf(address(this)));

    // Contract may be destroyed only when there are no ongoing bets,
    // either settled or refunded. All funds are transferred to contract owner.
    function kill() external onlyOwner {
        require (lockedInBets == 0);
        require (lockedTokenInBets == 0);

    function getContractInformation()public view returns(
        uint _jackpotSize,
        uint _tokenJackpotSize,
        uint _MIN_BET,
        uint _MAX_BET,
        uint _MAX_AMOUNT,
        uint8 _platformFeePercentage,
        uint8 _jackpotFeePercentage,
        uint _maxProfit,
        uint _maxTokenProfit,
        uint _lockedInBets,
        uint _lockedTokenInBets,
        uint32[] _withdrawalMode){

        _jackpotSize = jackpotSize;
        _tokenJackpotSize = tokenJackpotSize;
        _MIN_BET = MIN_BET;
        _MAX_BET = MAX_BET;
        _platformFeePercentage = platformFeePercentage;
        _jackpotFeePercentage = jackpotFeePercentage;
        _maxProfit = maxProfit;
        _maxTokenProfit = maxTokenProfit;
        _lockedInBets = lockedInBets;
        _lockedTokenInBets = lockedTokenInBets;
        _withdrawalMode = withdrawalMode;

    function getContractAddress()public view returns(
        address _owner,
        address _manager,
        address[] _secretSignerList,
        address _ERC20ContractAddres ){

        _owner = owner;
        _manager= manager;
        _secretSignerList = secretSignerList;
        _ERC20ContractAddres = ERC20ContractAddres;

    // Settlement transaction
    enum PlaceParam {

    //Bet by ether: Commits are signed with a block limit to ensure that they are used at most once.
    function placeBet(uint[] placParameter, bytes32 _signatureHash , uint _commitLastBlock, uint _commit, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v) external payable {
        require (uint8(placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.RotateTime)]) != 0);
        require (block.number <= _commitLastBlock );
        require (secretSignerList[placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.secretSignerIndex)]] == ecrecover(_signatureHash, v, r, s));

        // Check that the bet is in 'clean' state.
        Bet storage bet = bets[_commit];
        require (bet.gambler == address(0));

        //Ether balanceet
        lockedInBets = lockedInBets.add(uint(placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.possibleWinAmount)]));
        require (uint(placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.possibleWinAmount)]) <= msg.value.add(maxProfit));
        require (lockedInBets <= address(this).balance);

        // Store bet parameters on blockchain.
        bet.amount = msg.value;
        bet.placeBlockNumber = uint40(block.number);
        bet.gambler = msg.sender;

        emit PlaceBetLog(msg.sender, msg.value, uint8(placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.RotateTime)]));

    function placeTokenBet(uint[] placParameter,bytes32 _signatureHash , uint _commitLastBlock, uint _commit, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v,uint _amount,address _playerAddress) external {
        require (placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.RotateTime)] != 0);
        require (block.number <= _commitLastBlock );
        require (secretSignerList[placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.secretSignerIndex)]] == ecrecover(_signatureHash, v, r, s));

        // Check that the bet is in 'clean' state.
        Bet storage bet = bets[_commit];
        require (bet.gambler == address(0));

        //Token bet
        lockedTokenInBets = lockedTokenInBets.add(uint(placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.possibleWinAmount)]));
        require (uint(placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.possibleWinAmount)]) <= _amount.add(maxTokenProfit));
        require (lockedTokenInBets <= ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).balanceOf(address(this)));

        // Store bet parameters on blockchain.
        bet.amount = _amount;
        bet.placeBlockNumber = uint40(block.number);
        bet.gambler = _playerAddress;

        emit PlaceBetLog(_playerAddress, _amount, uint8(placParameter[uint8(PlaceParam.RotateTime)]));

    //Estimated maximum award amount
     function getBonusPercentageByMachineMode(uint8 machineMode)public view returns( uint upperLimit,uint maxWithdrawalPercentage ){
         uint limitIndex = machineMode.mul(2);
         upperLimit = withdrawalMode[limitIndex];
         maxWithdrawalPercentage = withdrawalMode[(limitIndex.add(1))];

    // Settlement transaction
     enum SettleParam {

     enum TotalParam {

    function settleBet(uint[] combinationParameter, bytes32 blockHash ) external{

        // "commit" for bet settlement can only be obtained by hashing a "reveal".
        uint commit = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.Reveal)])));

        // Fetch bet parameters into local variables (to save gas).
        Bet storage bet = bets[commit];

        // Check that bet is in 'active' state and check that bet has not expired yet.
        require (bet.amount != 0);
        require (block.number <= bet.placeBlockNumber.add(BetExpirationBlocks));
        require (blockhash(bet.placeBlockNumber) == blockHash);

        //The RNG - combine "reveal" and blockhash of LuckySeed using Keccak256.
        bytes32 _entropy = keccak256(

         uint totalAmount = 0;
         uint totalTokenAmount = 0;
         uint totalJackpotWin = 0;
         (totalAmount,totalTokenAmount,totalJackpotWin) = runRotateTime(

        // Add ether JackpotBouns
        if (totalJackpotWin > 0 && combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)] == 0) {

            emit JackpotBouns(bet.gambler,totalJackpotWin);
            totalAmount = totalAmount.add(totalJackpotWin);
            jackpotSize = uint128(jackpotSize.sub(totalJackpotWin));

        }else if (totalJackpotWin > 0 && combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)] == 1) {

            // Add token TokenJackpotBouns
            emit TokenJackpotBouns(bet.gambler,totalJackpotWin);
            totalAmount = totalAmount.add(totalJackpotWin);
            tokenJackpotSize = uint128(tokenJackpotSize.sub(totalJackpotWin));

        emit BetRelatedData(
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(uint(_entropy), combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.LuckySeed)])),

        if (combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)] == 0) {
             //Ether game
            if (totalAmount != 0){
                sendFunds(bet.gambler, totalAmount , totalAmount);

            //Send ERC20 Token
            if (totalTokenAmount != 0){

                if(ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).balanceOf(address(this)) > 0){
                    ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).transfer(bet.gambler, totalTokenAmount);
                    emit TokenPayment(bet.gambler, totalTokenAmount);
        }else if(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)] == 1){
              //ERC20 game

            //Send ERC20 Token
            if (totalAmount != 0){
                if(ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).balanceOf(address(this)) > 0){
                    ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).transfer(bet.gambler, totalAmount);
                    emit TokenPayment(bet.gambler, totalAmount);

                // Unlock the bet amount, regardless of the outcome.
        if (combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)] == 0) {
                lockedInBets = lockedInBets.sub(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.PossibleWinAmount)]);
        } else if (combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)] == 1){
                lockedTokenInBets = lockedTokenInBets.sub(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.PossibleWinAmount)]);

        //Move bet into 'processed' state already.
        bet.amount = 0;

        //Save jackpotSize
        if (uint16(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)]) == 0) {
            jackpotSize = jackpotSize.add(uint(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.jackpotFee)]));
        }else if (uint16(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)]) == 1) {
            tokenJackpotSize = tokenJackpotSize.add(uint(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.jackpotFee)]));

    function runRotateTime ( uint[] combinationParameter, bytes32 _entropy ,bytes32 _entropy2)private view  returns(uint totalAmount,uint totalTokenAmount,uint totalJackpotWin) {

        bytes32 resultMask = 0xF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
        bytes32 tmp_entropy;
        bytes32 tmp_Mask = resultMask;

        bool isGetJackpot = false;

        for (uint8 i = 0; i < combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.RotateTime)]; i++) {
            if (i < 64){
                tmp_entropy = _entropy & tmp_Mask;
                tmp_entropy = tmp_entropy >> (4*(64 - (i.add(1))));
                tmp_Mask =  tmp_Mask >> 4;
                if ( i == 64){
                    tmp_Mask = resultMask;
                tmp_entropy = _entropy2 & tmp_Mask;
                tmp_entropy = tmp_entropy >> (4*( 64 - (i%63)));
                tmp_Mask =  tmp_Mask >> 4;

            if ( uint(tmp_entropy) < uint(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.Uplimit)]) ){
                //bet win
                totalAmount = totalAmount.add(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.PerWinAmount)]);

                //Platform fee determination:Ether Game Winning players must pay platform fees
                uint platformFees = combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.PerBetAmount)].mul(platformFeePercentage);
                platformFees = platformFees.div(1000);
                totalAmount = totalAmount.sub(platformFees);
                //bet lose
                if (uint(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)]) == 0){

                    if(ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).balanceOf(address(this)) > 0){
                        //get token reward
                        uint rewardAmount = uint(combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.PerBetAmount)]).mul(ERC20rewardMultiple);
                        totalTokenAmount = totalTokenAmount.add(rewardAmount);

            //Get jackpotWin Result
            if (isGetJackpot == false){
                isGetJackpot = getJackpotWinBonus(i,_entropy,_entropy2);

        if (isGetJackpot == true && combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)] == 0) {
            //gambler get ether bonus.
            totalJackpotWin = jackpotSize;
        }else if (isGetJackpot == true && combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.CurrencyType)] == 1) {
            //gambler get token bonus.
            totalJackpotWin = tokenJackpotSize;

    function getJackpotWinBonus (uint8 i,bytes32 entropy,bytes32 entropy2) private pure returns (bool isGetJackpot) {
        bytes32 one;
        bytes32 two;
        bytes32 three;
        bytes32 four;

        bytes32 resultMask = 0xF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
        bytes32 jackpo_Mask = resultMask;

        if (i < 61){
            one = (entropy & jackpo_Mask) >> 4*(64 - (i + 1));
                jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
            two = (entropy & jackpo_Mask)  >> (4*(64 - (i + 2)));
                jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
            three = (entropy & jackpo_Mask) >> (4*(64 - (i + 3)));
                jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
            four = (entropy & jackpo_Mask) >> (4*(64 - (i + 4)));
                jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask << 8;
        else if(i >= 61){
            if(i == 61){
                one = (entropy & jackpo_Mask) >> 4*(64 - (i + 1));
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
                two = (entropy & jackpo_Mask)  >> (4*(64 - (i + 2)));
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
                three = (entropy & jackpo_Mask) >> (4*(64 - (i + 3)));
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask << 4;
                four = (entropy2 & 0xF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 4*63;
            else if(i == 62){
                one = (entropy & jackpo_Mask) >> 4*(64 - (i + 1));
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
                two = (entropy & jackpo_Mask)  >> (4*(64 - (i + 2)));
                three = (entropy2 & 0xF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 4*63;
                four =  (entropy2 & 0x0F00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 4*62;
            else if(i == 63){
                one = (entropy & jackpo_Mask) >> 4*(64 - (i + 1));
                two = (entropy2 & 0xF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)  >> 4*63;
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
                three = (entropy2 & 0x0F00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 4*62;
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask << 4;
                four = (entropy2 & 0x00F0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 4*61;

                    jackpo_Mask = 0xF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
            else {
                one = (entropy2 & jackpo_Mask) >>  (4*( 64 - (i%64 + 1)));
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
                two = (entropy2 & jackpo_Mask)  >> (4*( 64 - (i%64 + 2)))   ;
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
                three = (entropy2 & jackpo_Mask) >> (4*( 64 - (i%64 + 3))) ;
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask >> 4;
                four = (entropy2 & jackpo_Mask) >>(4*( 64 - (i%64 + 4)));
                    jackpo_Mask =  jackpo_Mask << 8;

        if ((one ^ 0xF) == 0 && (two ^ 0xF) == 0 && (three ^ 0xF) == 0 && (four ^ 0xF) == 0){
            isGetJackpot = true;

    //Get deductedBalance
    function getPossibleWinAmount(uint bonusPercentage,uint senderValue)public view returns (uint platformFee,uint jackpotFee,uint possibleWinAmount) {

        //Platform Fee
        uint prePlatformFee = (senderValue).mul(platformFeePercentage);
        platformFee = (prePlatformFee).div(1000);

        //Get jackpotFee
        uint preJackpotFee = (senderValue).mul(jackpotFeePercentage);
        jackpotFee = (preJackpotFee).div(1000);

        //Win Amount
        uint preUserGetAmount = senderValue.mul(bonusPercentage);
        possibleWinAmount = preUserGetAmount.div(10000);

    function settleBetVerifi(uint[] combinationParameter,bytes32 blockHash )external view returns(uint totalAmount,uint totalTokenAmount,uint totalJackpotWin,bytes32 _entropy,bytes32 _entropy2) {

        require (secretSignerList[combinationParameter[uint8(SettleParam.secretSignerIndex)]] == msg.sender);

        //The RNG - combine "reveal" and blockhash of LuckySeed using Keccak256.
        _entropy = keccak256(

        _entropy2 = keccak256(

        (totalAmount,totalTokenAmount,totalJackpotWin) = runRotateTime(combinationParameter,_entropy,_entropy2);

    // Refund transaction
    function refundBet(uint commit,uint8 machineMode) external {
        // Check that bet is in 'active' state.
        Bet storage bet = bets[commit];
        uint amount = bet.amount;

        require (amount != 0, "Bet should be in an 'active' state");

        // Check that bet has already expired.
        require (block.number > bet.placeBlockNumber.add(BetExpirationBlocks));

        // Move bet into 'processed' state, release funds.
        bet.amount = 0;

        //Maximum amount to be confirmed
        uint platformFee;
        uint jackpotFee;
        uint possibleWinAmount;
        uint upperLimit;
        uint maxWithdrawalPercentage;
        (upperLimit,maxWithdrawalPercentage) = getBonusPercentageByMachineMode(machineMode);
        (platformFee, jackpotFee, possibleWinAmount) = getPossibleWinAmount(maxWithdrawalPercentage,amount);

        //Amount unlock
        lockedInBets = lockedInBets.sub(possibleWinAmount);

        sendFunds(bet.gambler, amount, amount);

    function refundTokenBet(uint commit,uint8 machineMode) external {
        // Check that bet is in 'active' state.
        Bet storage bet = bets[commit];
        uint amount = bet.amount;

        require (amount != 0, "Bet should be in an 'active' state");

        // Check that bet has already expired.
        require (block.number > bet.placeBlockNumber.add(BetExpirationBlocks));

        // Move bet into 'processed' state, release funds.
        bet.amount = 0;

        //Maximum amount to be confirmed
        uint platformFee;
        uint jackpotFee;
        uint possibleWinAmount;
        uint upperLimit;
        uint maxWithdrawalPercentage;
        (upperLimit,maxWithdrawalPercentage) = getBonusPercentageByMachineMode(machineMode);
        (platformFee, jackpotFee, possibleWinAmount) = getPossibleWinAmount(maxWithdrawalPercentage,amount);

        //Amount unlock
        lockedTokenInBets = uint128(lockedTokenInBets.sub(possibleWinAmount));

        ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).transfer(bet.gambler, amount);
        emit TokenPayment(bet.gambler, amount);

    // A helper routine to bulk clean the storage.
    function clearStorage(uint[] cleanCommits) external {
        uint length = cleanCommits.length;

        for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) {

    // Helper routine to move 'processed' bets into 'clean' state.
    function clearProcessedBet(uint commit) private {
        Bet storage bet = bets[commit];

        // Do not overwrite active bets with zeros
        if (bet.amount != 0 || block.number <= bet.placeBlockNumber + BetExpirationBlocks) {

        // Zero out the remaining storage
        bet.placeBlockNumber = 0;
        bet.gambler = address(0);

    // Helper routine to process the payment.
    function sendFunds(address beneficiary, uint amount, uint successLogAmount) private {
        if (beneficiary.send(amount)) {
            emit Payment(beneficiary, successLogAmount);
        } else {
            emit FailedPayment(beneficiary, amount);

     function sendFundsToManager(uint amount) external onlyOwner {
        if (manager.send(amount)) {
            emit ToManagerPayment(manager, amount);
        } else {
            emit ToManagerFailedPayment(manager, amount);

    function sendTokenFundsToManager( uint amount) external onlyOwner {
        ERC20(ERC20ContractAddres).transfer(manager, amount);
        emit TokenPayment(manager, amount);

    function sendFundsToOwner(address beneficiary, uint amount) external onlyOwner {
        if (beneficiary.send(amount)) {
            emit ToOwnerPayment(beneficiary, amount);
        } else {
            emit ToOwnerFailedPayment(beneficiary, amount);

    function updateMIN_BET(uint _uintNumber)public onlyManager {
         MIN_BET = _uintNumber;

    function updateMAX_BET(uint _uintNumber)public onlyManager {
         MAX_BET = _uintNumber;

    function updateMAX_AMOUNT(uint _uintNumber)public onlyManager {
         MAX_AMOUNT = _uintNumber;

    function updateWithdrawalModeByIndex(uint8 _index, uint32 _value) public onlyManager{
       withdrawalMode[_index]  = _value;

    function updateWithdrawalMode( uint32[] _withdrawalMode) public onlyManager{
       withdrawalMode  = _withdrawalMode;

    function updateBitComparisonMask(bytes32 _newBitComparisonMask ) public onlyOwner{
       bitComparisonMask = _newBitComparisonMask;

    function updatePlatformFeePercentage(uint8 _platformFeePercentage ) public onlyOwner{
       platformFeePercentage = _platformFeePercentage;

    function updateJackpotFeePercentage(uint8 _jackpotFeePercentage ) public onlyOwner{
       jackpotFeePercentage = _jackpotFeePercentage;

    function updateERC20rewardMultiple(uint8 _ERC20rewardMultiple ) public onlyManager{
       ERC20rewardMultiple = _ERC20rewardMultiple;
  "compilationTarget": {
    "Play0x_LottoBall.sol": "Play0x_LottoBall"
  "evmVersion": "byzantium",
  "libraries": {},
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 200
  "remappings": []