The Lion 2 (R code, 9/27/2021). This is an iteration generative artwork (numbers 1,2,3). An homage to "The Sleeping Gypsy" by Henri Rousseau (1897). The color gradient was patterned after the lion, looming near a sleeping figure, strands of color patterned after her hair. The code art drew a series of eight consecutively smaller concentric discs atop a bluish background. Each disc was traced in a dark gray edge of randomly varied thickness, and each of the boundary points along the edge was used to seed a path along an unseen flow field. Some of those paths were drawn as narrow rectangles, with varied transparency, while others were drawn as lines. The penultimate, bright yellow disc of the lion's eye was the last with emanating flow paths, with the disc in its center plotted simply and filled black. The image dimensions are 20x16 inches and 300 DPI, which produced a file size below the limit, which provides a higher resolution (more detail) than the original version shown online.