An illustration to the Russian folk tale Vasilisa the Beautiful in the style of Palekh painting. The owner of this NFT will receive a physical illustration made in the Russian folk style and collectible stamps of 1976 "Art of Palekh".
The girls were working. The candle was burning, and one of the stepmother's daughters took a pair of tongs to fix the lamp, but instead, on her mother's orders, she extinguished it as if by accident. "What should we do now? - said the girls. "There is no fire in the whole house, and our lessons are not over yet. We must run to Baba Yaga for fire. - "Pins make me light! - said the lace-maker. "I'm not going." "And I won't go," said the one who was knitting the stocking. "You go to the fire," they both shouted, "Go to Baba Yaga," and they pushed Vasilisa out of the room.