I just realized that two of the few skateboarding photos I've ever shot are involving black and white film and a loop.
But compared to "into the loop" #1 this one has a whole different story:
Let’s go back to 2009, when I found in an old box a Voigtlander Vitomatic from my grandfather. That's probably when my passion and understanding for analogic photography started.
This one right here is actually one of the first shots I took with that camera, as well as one of the first skateboarding photos I've ever shot in my life (and one of the very few to this day, as I already said).
Portrayed is Dominik Dietrich (former Zero pro skateboarder), ripping hard inside an un-skateable loop in Torino (my hometown) which is not even there anymore.
I guess I like this one so much also because it represents two of the main staples of my life: skateboarding and photography.
Big things come in small packages sometimes.
Shot on Ilford film.
3089 × 2048 - 1 of 1
(part of my "2010-2020 Archive" project)