One of a series of collaborative NFTs by digital artist Paul Petersen, aka SphericalArt, and Charlotte Hart, poet.
Hello Zeno
I see you staring at speed,
moving fast and going nowhere.
You are the arrow of your thoughts
in a velocity of impossibility!
Rich but ascetic,
a paradox sprang from you!
This trajectory was predicted long ago
but suddenly sank submerged deep
in the Mediterranean Sea,
a ship wreck of computability,
until now and wow!
We are riding the restored
Antikythera journey!
Recovered from salty deep,
The Majestic Machine has awakened.
We are waving the second law like a flag
and leaving concern for running out of fuel behind,
unconcerned about the end of time.
We are going forward in a landscape of instants,
cut away from details,
we soar on the handle of Occam's Razor
blazing above electric waters in CME skies.
We sail soft unseen currents,
sons and daughters,
the sums of before
in this glorious landscape of asymmetry.
We are leaving everything in the past
and staying there ourselves.
Life takes no prisoners.