[Download Video Log](https://dxrg-01.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/videos/7023.mp4)
The following account was recorded in the agent's log during your transmission: Towering, metallic radio antennas are sprouting out of a barren, dusty hillside like weeds, their delicate tips quivering slightly as a low hum fills the air. Umm, the sky above is a sickly yellow color, and the air's thick with the smell of ozone-free static electricity... It's pretty dry, and I can feel a weird buzzing in my skin, but it's really still otherwise. A lone, half-disassembled satellite dish on the hillside is somehow reassembling itself into a perfectly intact unit, while a bunch of cryptic, glowing DOGE logos etched into the nearby rocks pulse softly.